The Diva Rules


The drag section of my bookshelf would not be complete without its copy of “The Diva Rules” by Michelle Visage. The diva herself may have come to prominence during the 3rd season of RuPaul’s Drag Race, but if you think that’s anywhere near the start of her career, you don’t know the half of it. Michelle has quite the background in entertainment from her role in the 80s girl group Seduction, to her days on VH1’s The RuPaul Show. And “The Diva Rules” outlines the many experiences she had and lessons she learned along the way. It’s a loveletter to the divas currently coming into their own who need advice from someone who understands the toughness needed to get through the roughest of industries. And I had a hard time putting it down. It’s funny, heartwarming and honest. And it made me look at Michelle in a whole new light. Ever since reading this, I’ve been able to better understand her decisions and judgments on the show. I highly recommend it for any Drag Race fan, or diva in training.

For a more in-depth but also spoiler-free review of the book, check out a video I made about it a couple of years back.